Horcajo de la Sierra-Aoslos (English)


This project has been developed by Town Hall´s Tourist Office. The proposal is to register our memories as a village and to offer it to visitors.

cartel entrada Horcajo de la Sierra
Señalizacion entrada Aoslos

Do you want to learn more about our objectives?: follow this link

Are you visiting us?

Do you want to learn more about our village?

icono puntos interes
Points of interest
History and memories around them.
icono blog
All kind of articles about: history, nature, geology, traditions…
icono camara
Photo album
Our shared neighbor´s album.
english version

Tourism Ofice
Horcajo de la Sierra-Aoslos Town Hall
Phone: (+34) 918686574
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 a 15:00
Saturday: Guided Visits starting at the Horcajo de la Sierra church Main Door. Start on 10:30 am (it is recommended to reserve previously)
It is possible to schedule a private visit from Tuesday to Friday (9:00 to 15:00)